Thursday, January 11, 2007

Double Standards

There’s been some fuss over the National Security Agencies (NSA) code “contribution” to Microsoft's new Operating System (OS) Windows Vista. The proposition is as follows: the NSA colluded with Microsoft to provide "backdoor access" through Vista to facilitate clandestine computer surveillance.

I believe that government agencies like the NSA have been “contributing” to Microsoft’s Windows OS code for a long time - not just with Vista. It’s in their interests to have the capability to spy on as many people as possible. Various versions of Windows run most of the PCs in the world. Windows is also a “closed-source” operating system - meaning that it’s not open to inspection by the general public.

It’s interesting to see nobody up-in-arms about Apple "seeking the advice of the NSA over security issues" for Mac OS-X (which also happens to be a closed-source OS).

It's obvious that anyone in need of a secure OS isn't going to choose a closed-source product like Mac OS-X or Windows Vista - they're going to choose an “open-source” OS like Linux. Linux code is open to examination - giving the user peace of mind that they are not being monitored.

There is the argument if you’re not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to fear but I don’t accept that reasoning. We are all entitled to privacy.

There have recently been many foreign governments that have switched from Microsoft Windows to Linux.

I’m under no illusions about computer security - if the NSA wants to spy on you they will do it - whatever OS your PC is running.